Thursday, 30 April 2009

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
It resides in our existence inalienably,
you try to abstain from it and,
it will get you horrendously.
Make a shrewd move and embrace it,l
et saviour in you trace it.
And the treasure of your infinite depths,
would be revealed to your eyes.
Self-love is all the saviour would need,
and on prodigious path your soul would heed.
Beyond the place of wrath and tears,
looms but the horror of shades.
And so the menace of coming years,
could and would find you never.


  1. Beautiful! am glad am following ur blog! wonderful!

  2. Thank you Mav, that's a huge compliment ;)

  3. beautiful lines there.. this thing called pain gives birth to so many poetries..

  4. Oh yes I agree with that. Thanks for the comments though. :)

  5. Hmm, I hardly come across poets/songwriters who manage to establish a connection between their lines that urge their readers to read, enjoy, understand and get engulfed into the flow. I didn't take a pause whilst reading this one. In my opinion, that is great. Well done, you!!! Keep writing!!!

  6. Thank you very much for the comments :)

  7. wow, very well written...

  8. @Shadow- Thank you :)

    I won't take credit for the whole poem cuz last 2 or 3 lines are actually from some other poem that I just happened to put in. There couldn't be any perfect ending for it so I just ended up putting that in. Sorry!

  9. Lovely work....its so true!!!!
    I like it nice to see that u see the glass half full not half!!!

    Take Care

  10. I always try and make friends with my ailments. There's no point fighting them, they just start putting up barriers!So I'm liking your words and feel empathy towards such.

  11. @ Nazish- Thank you girl :)

    @ SarahA- Thank you for liking it :)

  12. nice poem..simple n sharp..keep goin...
    I've never been good in writing poems...

  13. @ H.K.B
    lol...m not a girl ya!!!!

  14. @ Nazish- Oops sorry mate :S
